Electrolysis: 300 MW secured in France


The hydrogen industry is still awaiting the launch of the first calls for tenders for electrolysis facilities. But even before this deadline, a number of projects are moving forward, points out France Hydrogène. At this week's Hyvolution trade show in Paris, the trade association updated the sector's development figures.

30 MW in operation

The result? While France is aiming for 6.5 GW of electrolysis capacity by 2030, 4.45 GW has already been announced. These projects are at the feasibility study stage. Installations actually in operation currently represent 30 MW, compared with 13 MW in 2022. The association puts the number of "secured" projects at 300 MW, i.e. "in operation, under construction or having received a final investment decision".

In terms of applications, as already indicated by GreenUnivers, France currently has 69 hydrogen filling stations. A further 197 are planned for 2025-2026. As far as vehicles are concerned, according to the association's figures, 59 H2 buses are on the road in France, compared with 33 in 2022, a far cry from the 1,000 initially targeted for 2024, but "nearly 750 buses are on order from local authorities". To this must be added 3 refuse collection vehicles in operation and "more than 170" that could be "in the short term", the association details. "As for trucks, there are more than 400 listed in the various projects, 130 of which are currently being deployed or financed."

There are also "more than 950 light vehicles" on the road in France, including "more than 500 cabs" in the Ile-de-France region. Lastly, 85 stationary systems, mainly consisting of hydrogen-powered generators, have been sold.